Maid Background Check-Domestic Help Verification

With a significant increase in crime cases involving domestic helps, the importance of domestic help verification has grown significantly. Verifying prospective workers such as servants, maids, nannies, gardeners, and guards has become a crucial tool in mitigating the risk of making a bad hire. These individuals work in close proximity to your family, making it essential to ensure their background is thoroughly checked to reduce the possibility of any adverse effects on you or your family.
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Maid Servant Background Verification

Apply In-Person :

  1. To apply for a Domestic Help Verification In-Person, get the Domestic Help Verification form from the nearest police station
  2. In the procured form, fill the required details of the servant or employee.
  3. Fill in your details under the space provided for details of the employer.
  4. Fill in the required details of previous employers if any.
  5. Provide the servant’s voluntary fingerprints if necessary.
  6. Affix the passport size photograph of the employee in the space given.
  7. Attach Photocopy of Photo ID proof of the employee.
  8. Duly sign the form and submit the form at the nearest Police Station.
  9. Pay the processing fee if required.
  10. Receive the acknowledgment receipt and keep it safe for further reference.
  11. Visit the Police Station to get the report once it is ready.
Note: Carry the original Id proofs to the police station for any necessary cross verification to be made.

Apply Online :

To apply for Domestic Help Verification online, one has to login to State  Citizen Portal.
  1. If you are a new user, register a new Citizen account with your details by clicking on Register.
  2. Now login with your account and select Domestic Help Verification from the citizen services drop-down menu.
  3. In the given new window, fill the Servant’s details by selecting each given tab.
  4.  Fill in the required employer or householder’s details.
  5. Upload the photo and documents in the required file size and format.
  6. Check the details filled for any correction before you submit the form. Submitted forms cannot be altered.
  7. Pay the Domestic Help Verification Processing fee if required.
  8. After submission, you will receive your Service Request No. through SMS or E-Mail.
  9. Your application will now be processed and the police will make verification to create a Report.
  10. Any other information will be sent to the registered mobile Number.
For more information regarding maid background check please contact at Red Check Risk Management


You Might Also Have Few Questions

Conducting a background check on a maid is crucial to ensure the safety and security of your home and family. It helps verify their identity, criminal history, and previous employment, reducing the risk of hiring someone with a questionable background.

A comprehensive background check for a maid should include details such as criminal history, identity verification, previous employment history, character references, and any relevant qualifications or certifications. It's important to check for any red flags that might affect their suitability for the role.

To conduct a thorough background check, you can start by requesting the maid's consent to undergo a background check. You can then hire a professional background screening service or contact local authorities for criminal history checks. It's also advisable to contact previous employers and check references to gather a complete picture of the candidate's background and suitability for the position.
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